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Chorus of the Dead



“I look to the bodies of the victims, Miss Lloyd, because dead people never lie.” -Peter Ainsley, morgue surgeon


1867 - Morgue surgeon at one of London's most prestigious hospitals, Dr. Peter Ainsley is familiar with the smells of the dead and the dying but when the brilliant, young doctor is summoned to a small English town in the north his ability to keep his patients at a cold, comfortable distance is put to the test. Convinced the untimely death of a twelve year old girl, Josephine Lloyd was an act of poison, Ainsley and the local physician Dr. Bennett must battle the wealthy and stubborn Lloyd family to gain access to the body of the girl, knowing an autopsy is their only chance to detect what ended the young girl's life. Even as her older sister, Lillian, languishes in bed fearing the poison will take her as well, the family remains obstinate. When Dr. Bennett is found dead in his own house, the rebellious Ainsley has no choice but to take matters into his own hands if he is to save the life of the beautiful Lillian Lloyd.

Dead Silent



Peter Ainsley's mother, Lady Charlotte Marshall hasn't been seen or heard from in three days. While Inspector Simms of Scotland Yard is unofficially investigating her disappearance Ainsley is loathed to reveal knowledge of his mother's affair despite it being the best lead to her whereabouts.


When Inspector Simms brings a body to St. Thomas Hospital's morgue, Ainsley is forced to admit his double life as morgue surgeon and second heir to the Montcliff earldom. With a new found ally in the police force, Ainsley gains access to information about his mother's disappearance and a new mystery regarding a murdered woman with childhood ties to his future sister-in-law, Evelyn Weatherall. Scandal threatening two sides of Ainsley's family, the young surgeon uncovers an intricately woven tapestry of deceit, lust and a crime that forces him to decide whether family loyalty supersedes the letter of the law.

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The Dead Among Us



London 1868 – The newspapers call him The Surgeon, a killer targeting pauper children in Limehouse district leaving their bodies discarded in death as they were in life. Discouraged by the lack of physical clues Dr. Peter Ainsley joins Scotland Yard's Inspector Simms as he scours the city to learn where the children came from and how they fell into the clutches of one of London's worst criminal minds.


When clues emerge connecting the children to a foundling school, the matron's son, Elliot Holliwell falls under suspicion but without enough evidence Simms and Ainsley are forced to monitor him from a distance. Frustration mounting, Ainsley throws himself into his work apprenticing an orphaned boy in the trade of morgue porter but when the adolescent fails to report to work one day Ainsley can no longer hold back and decides to approach his number one suspect with or without Scotland Yard's blessing. Nothing during his medical training could have prepared him for what he finds and when Ainsley finally catches up with the child killer neither of them will ever be the same.

Sweet Asylum



Unable to shake the oppressive atmosphere of the city after a life changing case, Dr. Peter Ainsley retreats to his family’s country estate near Tunbridge Wells to find asylum and, perhaps, forgiveness. The discovery of a strange girl in the back woods introduces him, and his sister, Margaret, to the peculiar Owen family with a questionable reputation in town rooted in nefarious gambling activities and a long family history of discord amongst townspeople.


Soon Margaret discovers her unexpected new friend, Ivy Owen, who talks to herself and is prone to angry outbursts, is with child and the question of the unborn baby’s paternity lingers. When a catastrophic barn fire leads to a man’s death Ainsley is forced out of his refuge and back into the work that once toyed with his sanity. Haunted by ghosts of his past and forced to relive moments that scar him still, Ainsley begins to piece together a disjointed puzzle of family strife, loose morals and questionable sanity. One thing is clear, however, he must find the killer and bring him to justice before they all end up in the asylum.


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